You don’t need anything. Trust me. Empty that online shopping cart. Forget that new ‘miracle’ cream. You don’t need it. It won’t make your life better. It won’t make you look like Giselle.

What do you need?

Five minutes of silent meditation. A hug. A compliment. Log off and take that five minutes for yourself to show yourself some love. Ask a loved one for a hug – trust me they’ll do it. And guess what, you’re doing you’re best and that is awesome! *that’s the compliment, that’s the part I can do for you*

If you’re a woman and need some spa self care – guess what? that honey and oats in your kitchen are a great facial. That olive oil is nourishing. And that coconut oil makes a soothing bath. You don’t need any fancy new stuff. Use what you trust, what works, and what you love. I do.

Take a walk. Get outside and sit with a cup of tea/coffee/juice and breathe deeply. Think of the people you love, and find some ways to show them.

You don’t need to buy more shit.

*Yes, I’m aware I have trouble taking my own advice. I’m aware of my own hypocrisy. I’m human*

Skirt – Tulle and Batiste via Foxy Folk
Boots & sweater – thrifted
Jacket – Danier Leather *clearance and old*
Necklace – Vanessa Mooney *old*