Category :Gray

Fashion Tinder Kind of World

I dressed the same way as I did my hair: depending on what took my fancy, and what I felt like at the moment.” – Brigitte Bardot

How I Altered a Dress and Made a Scarf

I bought a white dress on sale, clearance actually; it had a long kercheif lacy bottom.

Blatant Podcast Pitch

You read all my words here. You see all the pictures.

Still Recovering, In Sweater Dresses

Wearing dresses in the Winter can be tricky.

Prove It

You make a commitment, you make a decision to change and right  away the universe gives you a chance to prove it.

Happy Sale Day!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Hugs and Friends, Oh And Twirling.

Why is it not okay to ask for a hug? Say you need one?

How To Be a Great Mom

The bath was done, the teeth brushed, pajamas on, story read, and it was time to turn out the light and cuddle.

Being Lax and Unplugging

I’ve been terribly lax lately.

Shoot the Room, and Other Fashion Blogger Hacks

So that first day, that eight hours of walking day? Yeah, that day was the slow death of my fabric backpack.

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