Category :Embroidery


A brutal head cold. That’s kind of been my life the past few days.

An Ass Out Of You

That’s what assumptions do. Assumptions about people more often than not prove to be false,

When You Can’t Bring Yourself to Follow the Pajama Trend

Don’t you love it when pants are so comfortable that they could be pajama pants?

Mini Me

My lovely girl is in that “twinning with Mommy” phase.

Here One Second, Gone Tomorrow

” He will see himself and life and the world as truly as our human limitations will permit; realizing the brevity and the minuteness of human life, he will realize also that in individual minds is concentrated whatever of value the known universe contains.” – Bertrand Russell

Comfort Doesn’t Mean Being Generic or Not Stylish

Okay Okay, see when I like something I can get a little obsessed with it.

On Bullying

Growing up, in school, I was bullied. A lot. Well, enough that it felt like a lot, and certainly more than others.

On Choice and Choosing

This is continued from Monday’s article. The continued discussion on goals led me to choice, and I wanted to say a few things about that too.

Blatant Podcast Pitch

You read all my words here. You see all the pictures.

Being Lax and Unplugging

I’ve been terribly lax lately.

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