Category :Bodycon

That Romantic Word

He left on a business trip. Driving for a long time.  He called me from the road to talk…

The Doorman

I’ve gone back to “Zen and the Art of Falling in Love” as I tend to do.


Sweaters, knitted skirts, and long socks are things that we Canucks have to wear transitionally as well as in the Winter.

Snow White

In the Winter I start to feel a bit like Snow White. Not all stunning, sleepy, and singing, but dark haired and getting paler by the second.

This Is What Happens When A Fan Makes A Show

Okay, blatant gush fest here folks.

And So it Begins…

….the exercise in the great Canadian art of layering.

Hard to be Soft

There are days you feel soft and delicate. Then there are days

On that Note

Guess what? Today my girl turns seven!

Why I Can’t Have Pretty Things

I bought myself an umbrella. Isn’t it a pretty umbrella? I think so.

Parisian Stripes?

I rarely, if ever, wear stripes. It’s just not my thing.

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